Smartstreet Payment Options
Online Payment Via eCheck or Credit Card* (one time & recurring options)
How does it work? You set up a one time or recurring payment using eCheck, MasterCard, American Express or Discover.
What do I need to do? Simply follow the directions below:
Log in to www.smartstreet.com
Select “Online Payments”
Choose “One Time Credit Card Payment”*, “One Time eCheck Payment” or Recurring Payments. Note: You will need a login ID to set up a recurring online payment which can be obtained by selecting “Register Now” and completing the form
Select your association and follow the instructions on the screen
*There is a $14.95 convenience fee and a $5,000 maximum per transaction, if you pay via a credit card.
ACH/Recurring Automatic Draft
How does it work? Your assessment is automatically deducted from your account when due.
What do I need to do? Complete the enclosed ACH Authorization Form and send it, along with a canceled check to CCAM at P.O. Box 1698, Bluffton, SC 29910.
US Mail/ Lockbox
How does it work? You write a check, enclose coupon and mail it in every time your assessment is due. Please allow 5 to 7 business days for the check to reach Coastal Community Association Management.
What do I need to do? Write a check payable to your homeowner’s association, as it is written on the coupon, and mail it along with your payment coupon to the address listed on the coupon. Important: Write your homeowner account number - as it appears on the coupon - on the check.
Your Bank’s Online Bill-Pay
How does it work? Set up your community association as a payee with your bank’s online banking bill-pay.
What do I need to do? Please complete your bill-pay setup exactly as follows:
Payee: (example) Azalea Square Homeowners’ Association
Address 1: Coastal Community Association Management
Address 2: P. O. Box 105007
City: Atlanta State: GA Zip: 30348-5007
Reference Number: The address of your property in Azalea Square